How to stop buying domain names and actually start doing something with them is a 2-day virtual conference focused on how to build modern web applications using Jamstack, serverless and more
There’s an incredible amount of things a web developer needs to know with new things being released every day. How does a new developer even begin to learn? How do they keep up? In this talk, Raymond will discuss various different options, pros and cons of each, and introduce you to some options you may not have heard of.
Raymond Camden is the author of multiple books on web development and has been actively blogging and presenting for almost twenty years.
Raymond can be reached at his blog, @raymondcamden on Twitter, or via email at is a 2-day virtual conference focused on how to build modern web applications using Jamstack, serverless and more
Join 12 fantastic women speakers for exciting talks on web development, JavaScript, tech culture and career development.
Jory Burson and Raymond Camden explore whether we've made web development difficult to learn.
A deep dive into the new browser Payment Request and Payment Handler APIs
A look at some tools that can improve your development process.