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Advancements in Modern DevTools To Gain Performance Insights

The evolution of the web has required an evolution in debugging and ultimately, advancements in browser devtools. We have moved from the ability to observe what happens during, and after a page load, to determining user experience as well as render blocking interactions to name a few. “Advancements in Modern DevTools” is a presentation about how browser devtools, and their newer features provide a powerful ability to debug, specifically with performance in mind.

Henri is a developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering with pinches of user experience. This led to him launching a little start-up command-h. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, streaming, or profiling sites in his favourite tool, Henri can be found contributing back to the community as he presides over leading a few modern development meetups, helping curate conference speakers and content or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various bootcamps. Otherwise, Henri is focusing on running the fastest 5k possible (surprise surprise), encouraging a healthy lifestyle and sharing it all via #devsWhoRun.


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